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       英语也有成语,不过不叫成语,叫俚语,俗语和谚语,意思差不多。比如我们说倾盆大雨,他们说it rains cats and dogs。我们说欲速则不达,他们说more haste,less speed。我们说熟能生巧,他们说practise makes perfect.等等,意思几乎一样,所以外文翻译成中文时,会变成你看到的中国成语。

其实成语就是约定俗成的语言,几乎每种语言都有成语,每个大语言下的小方言也有自己的成语。再举几个例子:Look before you leap. First think, then act三思而后行、It is never too late to mend. 亡羊补牢,犹为未晚、A friend in need is a friend indeed患难见真交、Great hopes make great man远大的希望,造就伟大的人。

中国的成语是语言中经过长期使用、锤炼而形成的固定短语,充分体现了汉语的博大精深。它是比词大而语法功能又相当于词的语言单位。成语是表示一般概念的固定词组或句子,绝大部分是由四个字组成的。特点:①结构的相对定型性②意义的整体性③时间和空间的习用性④形成的历史性⑤内容和形式的民族性。汉语成语有固定的结构形式和固定的说法,表示一定的意义,在语句中是作为一个整体来应用的。例如:言简意赅、勇往直前 。




       A Willing Victim Letting Himself Be Caught

       The story happened around 3000 years ago. There was a wise man named Jiang Ziya living in a village near the Weishui River. He often went fishing at the Weishui River, but he would fish in an unusual way. He hung a straight fishhook, without bait, there feet above the water One day a farmer named Wu Ji went to the river, and saw the strange way of fishing by Ji He laughed and said, “How stupid it is to even think about fishing this way, how many fishes can you get?” Jiang Ziya replied,” lf a fish doesn’t want to live any more, it will come and swallow \the hook itself.” Soon his strange way of fishing was reported to Ji Chang, the Count of the feudal estate .Ji Chang was very interested, and went to visit Jiang personally. Soon they became great friends as Ji Chang realized that Jiang might be a great talent. He invited Jiang to work for him .Jiang helped Ji Chang and his son turn over the Shang Dynasty and establish the Zhou Dynasty. Jiang was given the title of Taigong, so people called him ’’Jiang Taigong.” Today, people use this old idiom “A willing victim Letting Himself Be Caught” to describe someone who willingly falls in a trap or does something regardless of the result.


       Mao Sui Recommended Himself

       In the Warring States Period ,the king of Zhao planned to ask the King of the State of Chu to resist Qin’s attacks together .He sent Pingyuan to Chu convince their king Before Pingyuan left ,a man called Mao Sui showed up ,volunteered to go with him .Pingyuan said ,”I haven’t heard that you have any special abilities ,so what help can you do over there ?” Mao Sui said ,”You put me in a bag ,and my special abilities will stick out like an awl .” So Pingyuan agreed to take Mao Sui to the State of Chu .The negotiations between the two states lasted from morning to noon ,and still couldn’t come to a conclusion. At this time Mao Sui came up and said ,”Chu is a state big enough to rule the world .However ,you are so afraid of Qin. It is such a shame that we Zhao people are embarrassed by you .Now we ask you to combine our troops , but you are acting like a coward !” The king of Chu felt ashamed after Mao Sui’s passionate words .He finally agreed to send troops tp fight Qin . This idiom describes the courage of self –recommending by people with great abilities .


       Playing the Lute to a Cow

       Once upon a time ,there was a man who played the lute very wellOne day ,he played a tune in front of a cow ,hoping that the cow would appreciate it .The tune was melodious ,but the cow showed no reaction ,and just kept on eating grass. The man sighed ,and went away . This idiom is used to mock the idea of reasoning with stupid people or talking to the wrong audience .


       Handan: the hometown of idiom and allusions

       Cishan Culture an early Neolithic culture in the Yellow River of China, occupied from about 6500-5000 BC. The site is located on an alluvial terrace near the modern town of Cishan in Wu'an County, Hebei Province, and has evidence of barley, rice, and millet farming as well as domesticated pigs, dogs, and chickens. Cishan represents one of the oldest sites in the world to have evidence for domesticated dogs and pigs. The millet was recovered from 80 hoards, some of which were two meters in height. The Cishan Cultural Remains Site, occupying a land area of near 140,000 square meters, has been listed as the nation key cultural relic preservation organ by the State Council. These cultural relics proved that, as early as in more than 7300 years ago, the ancients already resided in half burrow -like house, primarily has been settling down the life by the primitive.

       The Handan Dream one of the literary masterpieces written by Chinese dramatist Tang Xianzu in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), is adapted from Shen Jiji's romance story A Tale within the Pillow. And what’s more, the idiom Living in a fool's paradise derived from this story. It was about a scholar who went to the capital for the civil exam and was enlightened by an Immortal. Lu Sheng , the protagonist, is a down-and-out scholar who meets with Lu Dongbin, an immortal on a mission to convert a man into the world of the ever living, at a small inn in the city of Handan. Upon hearing Lu Sheng's complaint about his wretched life, Lv Dongbin lends him a porcelain pillow to sleep on. In his dream, Lu Sheng experience 50 years of vicissitudes of life as a high official, only to wake up to the stark reality that the yellow millet the innkeeper has been cooking for him is not yet done. The drama captures the seamy side of officialdom in the feudal society.

       There are over 500 Chinese idioms and allusionsare derived from Handan, including the following typical ones: Riding and shooting in Hu's garbs 胡服骑射), Living in a fool's paradise, Returning the jade intact to the state of Zhao ( 完璧归赵), Carrying rod to ask for punishment ( 负荆请罪), Imitating another without success and losing what used to be one's own ability (邯郸学步), Volunteering one’s service (máo suì zì jiàn 毛遂自荐), Relieving the besieged by besieging the base of the besiegers (围魏救赵), No one picks up and pockets anything lost on the road (路不拾遗), Embracing a woman on his breast, one has no indecent feeling (坐怀不乱), Worth a couple of towns together ( 价值连城), When the snipe and the clam grapple, it is the fisherman who stands to benefit ( 鹬蚌相争, 渔翁得利), Burning one's own way to retreat and being determined to fight to the end (破釜沉舟), The proverbial Lord Ye who claimed to be fond of dragons was in fact mortally afraid of them (叶公好龙).

       Tai Chi is definitely part of the life in Handan. Early morning walks are rewarded with high quality Yang-style Tai Chi (杨式太极) being performed all over the place. Each morning on one of Handan's main squares, large groups of Tai Chi practitioners gather to study with a variety of teachers, and the quality is really good. The original home of the Yang Family is actually just outside Handan near a walled village called Guangfu (广府), which is an hour's bus ride from Handan. It has the potential to be quite a nice area. They are doing it up at the moment, and it will obviously be a tourist attraction in the future.

       说实话,我也真的是很想帮你写一篇,我呢也是邯郸人,呵呵,一篇关于邯郸古城的英文的介绍或者成语的介绍是早晚要用的,,不过,我真的是很忙,所以谷歌了一篇文章,我个人认为这篇文章还是不错的 呵呵


       永结同心:?to be of one mind forever

       天作之和:?a match by heaven

       永浴爱河:?bathe in a river of love forever

       佳偶天成:?an ideal couple

       郎才女貌:?talented guy and beautiful lady

       天缘巧合:?adestiny given by heaven and a wonderful match

       相亲相爱:?to be kind and love to each other

       百年好合:?aharmonious union lasting a hundred years

       心心相印:?acomplete meeting of minds

       百年偕老:?(of amarried couple) to stick to each other for a hundred years

       花好月圆:?the flowers are in full bloom, and the moon is full-ideal time for?

       1.Only once in a lifetime that a special dream comes true. And suddenly your entire world seems beautiful and new. Best wishes for ever! 一生中只有一次美梦实现的奇迹,你俩的整个世界顿时变得绚丽新奇。祝永远幸福!

       2.You're the luckiest guy in the world. 你是世界上最幸运的人儿。

       3.We never knew two people better suited to each other. 我们从未见过如此般配的一对。

       4.A wish to two happy people for a future of dreams coming true, Congratulations! 祝 两个幸福的人儿,来日美梦都成现实。祝贺你们!

       5.I hope that this is the beginning of a wonderful life together. 我希望这是你们美好生活的开始。

       6.God bless you and yours, and surround you ever with his blessing. 愿上帝祝福你和你的爱人,永远赐福于你们。



       晴天霹雳 like a bolt from the blue

       浑水摸鱼 to fish in the troubled water

       轻如鸿毛 as light as a feather

       空中楼阁 castle in the air

       破釜沉舟 to burn the boat

       如履薄冰 to be on the thin ice

       守口如瓶 as dumb as an oyster; as silent as the graves; as close as wax

       一贫如洗 as poor as a Church mouse

       健壮如牛 as strong as a horse

       血流如注 to bleed like a pig/to wake a sleeping dog

       打草惊蛇to cast pearls before swine

       对牛弹琴to paint the lily

       画蛇添足to help a lame dog over a stile

       雪中送炭 as easy as falling off a log




       不眠之夜white?night ?

       既往不咎let?bygones?be?bygones ?

       金无足赤,人无完人Gold?can\'t?be?pure?and?man?can\'t?be?perfect. ?


       脚踏实地be?down-to-earth ?

       脚踩两只船sit?on?the?fence ?



       成语有很大一部分是从古代相承沿用下来的,在用词方面往往不同于现代汉语,它代表了一个故事或者典故。有些成语本就是一个微型的句子。 成语又是一种现成的话,跟习用语、谚语相近,但是也略有区别。成语是中华文化中一颗璀璨的明珠。





       假如你是李华,你收到留学生Frank 来信。他希望参加你校即将举行的成语大赛,请你给他写封回信,介绍本次大赛的相关事宜。

        注意:1、词数100 左右。



        Dear Frank,

        How happy we are to know that you’re going to participate in our Chinese Idiom Contest. Here is what you are supposed to know about.

        We're going to hold the contest in the school library at 8:00 a.m. on December 20, 2016. Characters wrongly usedare to be recognized in some Chinese idioms. Besides, you are required to say out the idioms by guessing gestures of your partner. Hopefully,what I have to remind you of is that you’d better get one story of idiom prepared in case you are probably invited to tell one. By the way, all our Chinese teachers will be invited as judges.

        Expecting your excellence in the approaching contest. Best wishes!


        Li Pin
